Bond trading and preferred stock business: We provide clients with convenient trading channels and comprehensive custody platforms. Clients can choose bonds that suit their needs and make enquiries through account managers.
Quotes of bonds on the watch list:
代码 |
发行人/信用主体 |
票面利率% |
参考 |
到期日 |
参考年化到期收益率% |
发行人赎回权日期 |
发行人提早赎回年化收益率% |
美金债-投资级 |
3年以下到期 |
XS2226808082 |
中国化工集团# |
2.00 |
94.08 |
22/9/2025 |
3.90 |
XS2387357341 |
中国中化# |
1.50 |
89.47 |
23/9/2026 |
4.17 |
23/8/2026 |
4.22 |
US88032XAT19 |
腾讯控股 |
1.81 |
92.41 |
26/1/2026 |
4.04 |
26/12/2025 |
4.09 |
3年以上到期 |
XS1936784161 |
建设银行# |
4.25 |
101.47 |
27/2/2029 |
4.31 |
27/2/2024 |
3.39 |
XS1442177645 |
重庆市南岸区城建# |
4.50 |
95.33 |
17/8/2026 |
5.75 |
US948596AE12 |
新浪微博 |
3.38 |
82.60 |
8/7/2030 |
6.12 |
8/4/2030 |
6.20 |
US88032XBA19 |
腾讯控股 |
2.88 |
86.68 |
22/4/2031 |
4.72 |
22/1/2031 |
4.77 |
US01609WAX02 |
阿里巴巴 |
2.13 |
82.55 |
9/2/2031 |
4.57 |
9/11/2030 |
4.64 |
代码 |
发行人/信用主体 |
票面利率% |
第一赎回日 |
参考 |
到赎回年化收益率% |
备注 |
美金债-高资质永续债 |
XS2264054706 |
香港机场管理局# |
2.10 |
8/3/2026 |
92.82 |
4.16 |
票息上浮条款 300bps |
XS2190301189 |
华侨城# |
4.50 |
15/7/2023 |
100.57 |
3.99 |
票息上浮条款 300bps |
XS2357214738 |
中国蓝星# |
3.10 |
12/7/2024 |
97.90 |
4.13 |
票息上浮条款 300bps |
XS2229091124 |
中国电力建设集团# |
3.45 |
29/9/2025 |
97.96 |
4.10 |
票息上浮条款 300bps |
XS2344740811 |
中国建筑国际# |
3.40 |
8/6/2026 |
96.32 |
4.40 |
票息上浮条款 300bps |
代码 |
发行人/信用主体 |
票面利率% |
参考 |
到期日 |
参考年化到期收益率% |
发行人赎回权日期 |
发行人提早赎回年化收益率% |
美金债-非投资级 |
3年以下到期 |
XS2219615957 |
瑞安房地产 |
6.15 |
91.16 |
24/8/2024 |
10.63 |
24/8/2022 |
54.43 |
XS2242909856 |
山东钢铁集团*# |
6.50 |
103.85 |
5/11/2023 |
3.78 |
XS2019083612 |
复星集团* |
6.75 |
99.10 |
2/7/2023 |
7.59 |
2/7/2022 |
40.33 |
XS2247552446 |
绿城中国# |
5.95 |
93.06 |
29/4/2025 |
7.36 |
29/4/2023 |
15.20 |
3年以上到期 |
XS2377388702 |
新鸿基有限公司# |
5.00 |
97.44 |
7/9/2026 |
5.68 |
XS2328392951 |
中油燃气 |
4.70 |
95.93 |
30/6/2026 |
5.82 |
30/6/2024 |
7.86 |
XS2238561794 |
复星国际 |
8.30 |
91.09 |
19/10/2025 |
9.03 |
19/10/2023 |
14.40 |
人民币债 |
发行人/信用主体 |
票面利率% |
参考 |
到期日 |
参考年化到期收益率% |
发行人赎回权日期 |
发行人提早赎回年化收益率% |
离岸人民币债券 |
HK0000646965 |
中国农业发展银行# |
3.05 |
100.66 |
27/10/2023 |
2.58 |
HK0000622164 |
中国农业发展银行# |
2.85 |
99.95 |
11/8/2025 |
2.87 |
HK0000744695 |
中国银行(香港)# |
2.80 |
99.96 |
9/7/2023 |
2.83 |
XS2218700008 |
旭辉控股# |
5.85 |
87.49 |
19/8/2023 |
17.31 |
19/8/2022 |
74.00 |
HK0000744679 |
普洛斯中国# |
4.00 |
98.09 |
2/7/2024 |
4.96 |
XS2286604181 |
远东宏信# |
4.70 |
96.09 |
9/2/2024 |
7.13 |
What are preference shares?
Preference shares are a common type of assets in overseas investments and portfolios. Preference shares are stocks in nature and can form part of the capital of the issuers, but their terms and yields are similar to bonds’. Investors of preference shares receive a fixed income (coupon rate) stipulated in the terms. As preference shares are subordinate to ordinary bonds in the order of repayment, their yields are usually higher than the bonds issued by the same corporation. Preference shares may be mandatorily converted into shares when extreme conditions are triggered. Preference shares generally have no maturity dates. The issuer may reset the interest rate at an agreed date or redeem the preference shares at the agreed date. The market usually considers the next interest rate reset date determined by the issuer as the expiry date of the preference shares.
Quotes of preference shares on the watch list
代码 |
发行人/信用主体 |
票面 |
重置日 |
参考 |
到重置日年化收益率% |
备注 |
美金债-优先股/永续债-中资银行 |
XS1684793018 |
邮储银行*# |
4.50 |
27/9/2022 |
101.37 |
0.67 |
XS2125922349 |
中国银行*# |
3.60 |
4/3/2025 |
100.19 |
3.53 |
XS2229473678 |
工商银行*# |
3.58 |
23/9/2025 |
99.18 |
3.84 |
XS2238561281 |
交通银行# |
3.80 |
18/11/2025 |
99.94 |
3.81 |
XS1683139692 |
青岛银行# |
5.50 |
19/9/2022 |
101.44 |
1.20 |
美金债-优先股/永续债-中资银行子公司 |
US06428YAA47 |
中银香港*# |
5.90 |
14/9/2023 |
104.25 |
2.61 |
XS2085545494 |
交银香港# |
3.73 |
3/3/2025 |
99.50 |
3.91 |
XS1897158546 |
中信银行(国际)*# |
7.10 |
6/11/2023 |
105.38 |
3.32 |
XS2368569252 |
中信银行(国际)*# |
3.25 |
29/7/2026 |
95.80 |
4.35 |
美金债-优先股/永续债-外资银行 |
US404280BN80 |
汇丰控股* |
6.25 |
23/3/2023 |
100.86 |
5.20 |
US404280AS86 |
汇丰控股* |
6.38 |
17/9/2024 |
99.17 |
6.76 |
US404280AT69 |
汇丰控股* |
6.38 |
30/3/2025 |
100.40 |
6.22 |
US404280CP20 |
汇丰控股* |
4.00 |
9/3/2026 |
88.63 |
7.48 |
US404280BP39 |
汇丰控股* |
6.50 |
23/3/2028 |
94.75 |
7.63 |
US404280CN71 |
汇丰控股* |
4.60 |
17/12/2030 |
83.26 |
7.25 |
USG84228CQ91 |
渣打集团# |
6.00 |
26/7/2025 |
99.70 |
6.10 |
USG84228EV68 |
渣打集团# |
4.30 |
19/8/2028 |
81.40 |
8.15 |
USG84228EP90 |
渣打集团# |
4.75 |
14/1/2031 |
83.94 |
7.28 |
USG84228EH74 |
瑞银集团 |
4.38 |
10/2/2031 |
81.62 |
7.25 |